Blanco 50ml
Blanco 50ml
Santo Blanco showcases aromas and flavors of lemon zest and dried apricot, pepper, dry hay, and praline, with a silky, crisp, medium body and a complex, medium-length finish rocking notes of dried stone fruit, citrus, and pepper. Earthy and complex, Santo Blanco is a superbly savory sipper sure to play well in a variety of cocktails.
Discover Santo Blanco Tequila, made with only the finest 100% Blue Weber Agave from the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. From creators Sammy Hagar and Guy Fieri, this agave-forward tequila blanco is smooth and balanced. This award-winning, certified additive-free tequila is crafted with time-honored methods focused on preserving the heritage of bold flavor from when tequila was first crafted in Mexico centuries ago.